Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer Bucket List!!

So as we all know, SUMMER IS HERE! Throw away the school stuff, and relax. I realized I had free time, and did not know what to do with myself. I scoured the internet for ideas, I landed on Pintrest. I finally came up with a summer bucket list!

  1. Go camping
  2. Catch fireflies
  3. Have a summer fling
  4. loose 5 pounds
  5. own a lot of fun makeup
  6. go paint-balling
  7. graffiti a wall
  8. have a silly string war
  9. massive water balloon fight (don't forget to invite the guys)
  10. go to a theme park
  11. take pictures
  12. start doing yoga
  13. have a disney movie day
  14. eat veggies
  15. make smoothies
  16. BE YOU
  17. run in a race
  18. get tan
  19. do something college essay worthy
  20. have a picnic
  21. take a road trip
  22. do a mission trip
  23. go to camp
  24. read books, try some by John Green or books like the Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, Harry Potter. Message me if you need more suggestions, I read wayyy to much
  25. make cupcakes
  26. wear a shirt that says "Life", hand out lemons
  27. reorganize your room
  28. go shopping! Goodwill and salvation army is great and CHEAP
  29. stargaze
  30. play at a park
  31. build a fort on a rainy night
  32. go to the pool
  33. slip n'slide, add soap to make it bubbly fun'
  34. skip fast food for 3 weeks
  35. take a Zumba class
  36. climb a tree, and carve your initials
  37. go to TONS of concerts, outdoors is best
  38. go on bike rides
  39. swim in a lake
  40. learn to water ski, or go tubing
  41. make a summer scrap book
  42. volunteer at an animal shelter
  43. leave a message in a library book to inspire someone else
  44. wear a costume and hug random people
  45. start running, everyday
  46. work on your photography skills
  47. make rainbow cake
  48. the-dye
  49. play hide and seek in ikea, also walking out of the closets and announce you just came back from Narnia also confuses people. 
have a wonderful summer! 
The World We Live In -Em

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